Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

aktivitas ku

  • 05.00 i wake up 
  • 05.45 take a shower
  • 06.10 have a breakfast
  • 06.30 preparing to go to school
  • 06.50 arrived at school
  • 07.15 - 13.50 study at school
  • 14.00 go to home
  • 15.00 arrived at school
  • 15.15 i have a lunch
  • 15.30 i sleep
  • 17.50 i wake up
  • 17.55 i take a bath
  • 18.55 i went to mw friend's house
  • 20.45 go to home
  • 22.00 i learning english
  • 23.00 i sleep