Sabtu, 06 November 2010

_ strigocuscus celebensis _

Strigocuscus celebensis has several subspecies, namely: S. c. celebensis found in Central and South Sulawesi, S. c. Sulwesi feileri in the North, and S. c. sangirensis found in the Sangihe Islands.Celebensis Strigocuscus live in primary forest, secondary forest and also in the community garden on the edge of the forest. Sometimes sleeping on coconut leaf midrib. Communities in the region Napu never find in the rice fields and brought home.This pygmy possum a little pale whitish brown, body length of 29-38 cm from the head and tail 27-37cm long, weighing 1 kg or less, rostrum shorter than the possum bears. 

 Life is nocturnal (active at night) and arboreal (located in the trees) are commonly paired male and female. Pygmy possum are monogamous couples who do not have multiple sexual partners. Its main foods are leaves, flowers, fruit, bark, and forest mushrooms.Pygmy possum usually contains one to two times per year, with 3-4 children will be born, but only one is in custody. Relatively short gestation period is 20 days and fitch child born in a state of very small and furry will not creep into its mother's pouch.Status of the population is not known with certainty and, according to IUCN S. celebensis including categories of DD (data deficient).

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